man i miss the sun
The sun was out. then it went away. was warm and totally short weather and now rain. what the hell is up with that.So here i sit in the rain waiting to catch my bus. trying not to freeze my ass off.
I did have the heat turned off at my place. I did up untill a few days ago when we all started to freeze in the morning
but i finally got my new comptuer. and waiting eagerly for my new montior to show up in the mail. 19 inch lcd flat screen monitor. very excited about it. now i am not complaining about he montitor i have now it is a 17 but it is big and taking up most of the room on my desk.
Work is going good. wish my boss wasn't so freeking cheap.
wish that they would give me more hours. i love to cook. i hate being the replacement.
i am getting about 25 hours a week, but i gots to get paid.
can't really copmlain i am making about 15 a month.
But everything is all good.