Fucking Government
They say they care about the kids, but really and truly do they?This is the second week now that my children have gone without an education, now i can only do so much.
Andrew loves math and he is missing out.
What is this teaching our children.
Some say a week others say a month now i am hearing talk of a strike untill the new year. well i will tell you one thing, if that happends i will move to a diffrent provence so that my children get an education, and if that happends i will be all over the news, newspapers , every media sorce that i can find.
My children will not live in a provience where they can't even get an education,
This is pissing me off,
I agree with the teachers but i don't agree with the strike.
it is about the children.
What about them, who will teach them now, do i have to become a teacher and do home schooling, well i can't afford that.
Why are the private schools still in session,
just goes to prove that the rich get everything,
Why do i have to be rich so that my children can get an education,
they are saying why are there so many drop outs, why are teens becoming mothers, why are there so many homeless and poor, and needy and druggies,
tell you why because NO ONE CARES,
Oh they all say that they do.
"this is for the children"
Bull Shit, no it isn't,
if it was for the children then they would be back in the school right now, teaching my son and my daughter.
My children love school, they miss school, they love it. but for how much longer.
How often do you hear of kids loving school.
I was watching the news lastnight and some children when to school they crossed the picket lines, good for them.
the leaders of this country need to take a good look at themselves.
They are fucking up this provence like you wouldn't belive,
They are fucking it up.
I know you are saying well you couldn't do anything better.
Or why don't you do something about it.
Well if they don't go back soon i will.
i will move from BC to Alberta or someplace where they accually care about children
If i had the education to teach i would cross those line. i would go into the school and shout that i am there. i care about the chilren
why can they continue to be there. why don't they get in trouble, what is this teaching the children of the world, if you don't want to do something you don't have too. who cares that it is illegal, you can do it anyway.
This is no longer a leagal strike,
Fucking do your job, Care for the children
My job as a mother is to take care of my children
What would happen if i stopped doing what i was doing. they would be taken away,
why because there are laws in place to protect children.
No they started the strike legal like, now it is not, they are doing something illegal, Now isn't that grounds for getting fired, even in a union job,
if say a employee from a super market stole something got caught, couldn't they get fired, well why can't the same thing happen for the teachers, they are doing something illegal yes, why can't they get fired now, bring in new teachers show the world that British Columbia cares about the children here.
Because by the sounds of it, No they don't
And don't even get me started on the fact the parents are stuggling to find daycare, and the busses on a sympathy strike now they have to find a way to work,
Single, and low income partens trying as hard as they can just keep getting kicked down and down and down,
MMMMMM wonder why Meth is popular, wonder why, any drug is, wonder why people steal,
Please let me know,
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