Sunday, April 10, 2005

NO more

I met Patirck yesterday, He brought his kids, he as 5 of them and has been a single dad now for 8 years, he brought his guitar and sang a song for me. It was nice, he is a nice guy. his last name is funny HAIRE, ya E is silent, so sounds like hair cute i thought. LOL
I have been seening this one guy for a while now and i have ended it, he makes me feel like a hooker. And i am so not. So i fiugre that i am not going to date anyone for a while. there is only one person that i want. And he has made it perfectly clear that he don't want met. Spencer. yep him again, he came over last night to watch movie, i rented. fuck what was it. uuummmm yes the excorist (can't spell) and the excorist the beginning, oh my god considering the origional is like from the 60's or 70's or something fucking terrifying man oh my God i love to be scared. Anywhore, he sat beside me on the love seat for like 2 hours and i just wanted to tell him how much i wanted him to spend the night, how i miss him so much, but i didn't, i acted like i didn't care at all becase yes i do have to get over him and i will. I got over steve now didn't I. So since i can't have Spencer i don't want anyone else. and i am not going out on anymore dates.


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