Fuck the World
Wow do you know what i realized. I sure do use the word again and fuck a lot eh. Fuck. I was told that this boog is more of a ranting then anything. Oh well i get to get things off of my chest. I don't have to worrie about taking up space on my computer it is on line. and people get to read what i have to say and some may even know what it is like to live in the mind.Yesterday was a very hard day on me. now that i have lost my nights to relax i am starting to get worn out. . Will everything be alright. Fuck no of course it will not be alright even if i do win the lotto on firday i will just have a new set of problems. it don't matter who you are or what you do for a living there will be problems. you just have to live threw them. Anyway i got off track.I am exosted (fuck spelling) and am starting to get really tied. all i want to do is sleep. i am tired and burt out. i need to relax. but there is always kids or something to do. i want to spend a week sleeping, laying around in my Jammies. I could do that now but if i spend all day laying around doing fuck all then i would never get out of the house. I would rather spend my days with my friends then do nothing at home. you need friends. i love my friends (well what little friends i have) and i would do anything for them.I would rather spend my days with Amber sitting about playing backgammon and drinking coffee then doing the dishes or sleeping. there have been many times where my plans were to do nothing pick my ass nothing but amber calls and i drop my plans to be a sloth and do what ever she wanted just to get out of the house and spend some time with her. I would do that for any of my friends. , . personaly i would rather hang with my friends picking our asses then spending any quality time with me. Have a great day
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